Posts Tagged ‘Federal Trade Commission’

Identity Theft – Prevention & Reporting

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

The exclusive purpose for the information which is provided from this website is to disseminate information, and not to provide tax advice. 

“Identity Theft” is a global problem that is not expected to decline or even be eliminated.  Truly said “An ounce of prevention is worth far more than a pound of cure”, or rectification.  From

Identity (ID) theft happens when someone steals your personal information to commit fraud. The identity thief may use your information to apply for credit, file taxes, or get medical services. These acts can damage your credit status, and cost you time and money to restore your good name.”

You must always be proactively engaged in the monitoring of all of your financial accounts, loans, invoices or bills for items that you did not authorize, or purchase, unexplained notifications from lenders for loans for which you did not apply, or unexplained debt collection calls.

Should you become the victim of Identity Theft, you should immediately contact your local law enforcement offices and the Federal Trade Commission [ Identity Theft Recovery Steps | ].  Again, from

” Freeze your credit files with EquifaxExperianInnovisTransUnion, and the National Consumer Telecommunications and Utilities Exchange for free. Credit freezes prevent someone from applying for and getting approval for a credit account or utility services in your name.”

You may also experience similar problems with your tax returns and the Internal Revenue Service.  However, there are some actions that you can take now to possibly avoid this situation:
